The Mindful Writer

Sweet Briar College CORE 120

Disney Crack: Hi, my name is Lauren and I am addicted to Disney

by Lauren Jones

“Welcome, foolish mortals, to the Haunted Mansion. I am your host, your ghost host.” I know the entire Haunted Mansion ride dialogue and the song like the back of my hand. To people who are not immersed in the world of Walt Disney, they would look at me in bewilderment of why I can recite the script. However, to a Disney fanatic I am probably not the only one who can recite the entire ride. I have been going to Disney World since before I was even thought of. I even went on a Disney cruise when I was in my mother’s womb. My mother started the family tradition of going to Disney World during the summer for two full weeks. For Christmas, we go to Disney’s Hilton Head Island Resort in South Carolina for over two weeks. At home, you can walk into any room and most likely there is a Disney decor, furniture, painting, or anything you can imagine. We even have a Disney dictionary on our bookshelf.

I am definitely not the only person that is in love with Disney. My entire family is! Also, its not hard to spot other Disney lovers. My mom and I were at IHop and she leaned over. “Lauren, I found my new best friend.” I looked to where she was looking and she had a Disney dog Duney & Burke purse. Cathy Jones, a hardworking mother and occupational therapist, and according to her “there is no unhealthy obsession with Mickey Mouse.” Her first experience with Mickey Mouse was when she was four at a family reunion at Walt Disney World, Florida. “I received my Mickey Mouse plush which became my security blanket until I was traumatized by finding my dog tearing apart in the backyard.” Mrs. Jones has religiously gone back to Disney each year since she became an adult. “I am so intrigued by the new innovative entertainment they continue to add to the Disney experience and the family memories.”  According to Mrs. Jones, there are more than just rides and characters. “They have a lot of gourmet and adult only experiences. My husband and I went to Victoria and Albert, which is an exclusive restaurant for adults only. I have also been the adult only beach in Casta Way Key. They use to have Treasure Island which was a conglomeration of many adult clubs.”

Coston Jones was born right outside of Walt Disney World. Throughout the years he has visited the parks over a hundred times. “I enjoy going so much because it is my own way of getting away from reality.” Mr. Jones also has a trick up his sleeve to saving money at Disney. “My family and I are DVC members, Disney Vacation Club, we have our home resorts which at Old Key West, Animal Kingdom Lodge, and Disney Hilton Head Island Resort. We save up to $3,000 to $6,000 a year.” Also with DVC, you get a twenty percent discount off of meals and shopping. “Being able to save that much money for something I love is well worth it.

Mickey grabbed the hearts of millions, he has taken over planet earth, an now he has taken galaxies far far away. Young adults have decided to attend the Disney College Program. Some people have decided to quit their regular job so they can focus their full attention on blogging about Disney. Some families have even moved across the country to live closer to Disney world. I have even recently stumbled across an article about how Disney should start have funeral celebrations for the consumer. I would not take it that far, but this shows how the love of Disney has reached the older generation. Mickey has been there for everyone of all ages. You can also find him everywhere. I would not be surprised if Disney takes over the world someday. Maybe in history classes, it will be taught about the history of Disney and Mickey Mouse. So, look around next time, becasue I am sure you will find a Disney lover.,8599,1859935,00.html



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